Heartland Masonic Lodge #576

Heartland Masonic Lodge was originally chartered, “El Cajon Valley Lodge # 576″ on July 30th, 1923. In 1952 the current lodge building was constructed by the brethren of the lodge and the land donated by Brother Ballantyne, whose name graces the street of our location. In 1954 a masonic club was formed in Lakeside due to the continuing success at El Cajon Valley. In 1956 Lakeside Lodge #760 received its official charter from the Grand Lodge of California. Lakeside Lodge #760 held its first meeting in El Cajon Valley lodge room and continued to meet there until 1973, when after a donation of land by brother Wisentainer the Lodge purchased an old church and renovated it to suit their needs.
In 2005, it was agreed that a merger between El Cajon Valley and Lakeside lodges would be in the best interests of the brethren. The Grand Lodge agreed, and one of the most successful mergers in Grand Lodge history Happened! Since that date the newly formed “Heartland Lodge #576” has continued to prosper and grow in the community. Heartland Lodge #576 had its 100th Anniversary on July 29, 2023 and was presided over by Grand Master Randall Louis Brill, Past Master of San Diego Lodge #35.